
GET /endpoints

Lists all available categories.

Example: https://nekos.best/api/v2/endpoints


    "neko": {"format": "png"},
    "wink": {"format": "gif"}

GET /:category?amount=X

Gets a random image or GIF from the available categories along with its metadata.

The amount query may be used to retrieve multiple assets at once. The amount is a number such that 1 ≤ X ≤ 20.

Example: https://nekos.best/api/v2/neko



Example: https://nekos.best/api/v2/hug?amount=2


        "anime_name":"Sword Art Online",
        "anime_name":"Hibike! Euphonium",

GET /search?query=X&type=X&category=X&amount=X

The query parameter can be used to search for a specific phrase in the image or GIF source. Use the type query to get 1 images or 2 GIFs results.

* Optional parameters: Use the category query for getting images or GIFs from a specific endpoint. The amount query may be used to retrieve multiple results at once.

Example: https://nekos.best/api/v2/search?query=Aramaru&type=1



Example: https://nekos.best/api/v2/search?query=Senko&type=2&category=pat&amount=2


           "anime_name":"Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san",
           "anime_name":"Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san",

GET /:category/:filename.:format

Gets a specific image from our categories. Replace :filename with the asset's filename and :format with the category's format.

Note: The asset's metadata are provided URL-encoded, in the response's headers under anime_name, artist_name, artist_href and source_url.

Example: https://nekos.best/api/v2/hug/ca26cfba-dc40-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002.gif

Returns: Binary data